Woo hoo! We are finally having a Winter Concert again. Auditions are done and rehearsals have begun! The songs are being learned in our Music classes. Grade 2 - 5 students, if you want to practice at home, here are some YouTube videos with the lyrics. Happy singing!
By the way, save the date: Thursday, December 15 at 1:30 and 6:30 pm.
Song 1: North Pole Musical
Song 2: Tryouts
Song 3: Hoofin' It!
Song 4: The No Christmas Blues
Song 5: Chillin'
(We will be singing it without the spooky speech.)
Song 6: The Nutcracker Megamix
(There are lyric changes in this song. We sing some different words in Music class.)
Thank you to all of you who responded to the music activities. It was great hearing from you and seeing you make music through assignments, worksheets, video or audio recordings or photos. I hope to see you in the school sometime in the last two weeks of school. If not, I look forward to seeing you in the fall, hopefully in the Music Room!
If you want to continue making music this summer, check out these websites:
Pomp and Circumstance is sometimes called the Graduation March because it is played when the grads walk in for the graduation ceremonies. This song is dedicated to all the Grade 5's who will be moving on to another school this Fall. We wish you all the best as you complete your learning at Crestview and as you move on to a new school after the summer. You will be missed at Crestview School.
Your Assignment: 1. Listen to the music Pomp and Circumstance. 2. Read some or all the information about Sir Edward Elgar.
3. Complete the Listening Journal in your Seesaw assignment.
Elgar was born in Broadheath, Worcestershire. His father owned a music shop. Apart from having violin lessons Elgar taught himself about music. He studied the printed music in his father’s shop and often traveled with him when he went on his rounds to tune pianos. He heard a lot of cathedral music and often practiced the organ. He took over his father’s job as the organist and soon became conductor of local orchestras and bands.
In 1889 Elgar married. His wife Caroline Alice Roberts came from a family who had more money than the Elgars, and she was 8 years older than he was. Many people did not approve of the marriage, but she was supportive and encouraged him in his efforts to be a successful composer.
Throughout his life his wife helped him by ruling neat manuscript lines on plain paper so that he could write his music. After she died in 1920 Elgar was so sad that he stopped composing. He died of cancer in Worcester.
Auditions for the Divisional Children's Choir are on June 8, 10 & 11
Contact Ms. Goertzen if you would like more information or click HERE.
This is an invitation for your child to audition for the St. James-Assiniboia Divisional Children’s Choir. The Children’s Choir is open to students who will be in Grades 5 and 6 in the 2020-2021 school year.
The choir program was inaugurated in our school division in 1982 as a choral enrichment experience for talented grade five students. Over the years the program has grown to include a Junior Concert Choir and a Senior Concert Choir.
The Children’s Choir provides approximately 65 students in Grades five and six, the opportunity to develop excellent choral skills and to get to know other students from across the school division. Weekly rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays from 4:15 until 5:45PM at Heritage School.
Due to COVID-19, we do not yet know what school and choir will look like in the fall. In any case, we will move ahead with optimism and hope in planning for our 2020/2021 season. We will adjust dates and rehearsal plans if required. The first rehearsal will be on September 9, 2020. We are not anticipating being able to attend a fall camp this coming year, but hope to have some day clinics in order to learn music and bond as a choir community.
In order to support our pursuit of musical excellence, it is expected that all choristers will make a year-long commitment to the choir. Singers and parents are asked to support this policy. Regular attendance at all practices and performances is required to develop a unified sound and a feeling of belonging to the group. Our music is challenging, our practices are only once a week, and our singers are from different schools. Choristers missing a practice must have a valid reason, provided in writing (email) by a parent or guardian. Being a member of the Divisional Choir is a privilege. If for any reason students are not meeting expectations, in terms of attendance, behaviour, work ethic, or musicianship, either in the Divisional Choir or in their school choir, parents will be notified and membership in the Children's Choir will be reviewed.
Students must be attending a school in the St. James-Assiniboia School Division and must also be members of their home school choirs, sharing their exemplary choral skills and providing leadership in their school choral programs.
Yearly Non-Refundable Fee: $35.00
There is a yearly non-refundable fee of $35.00 to belong to this choir. This fee covers the care and dry-cleaning of choir uniforms, any lost music, honourariums for section leaders, social events such as year-end parties, Candlelight and Cabaret expenses, and other administrative costs.
Choir performances throughout the year will include ChoralFest (November), the Winnipeg Music Festival (March), and four Divisional Choir concerts throughout the year (November, December Candlelight, April Cabaret, and May). Invitations to perform at other events will be considered and chosen at the director’s discretion. We celebrate the end of our choir season with a School Tour of three St. James-Assiniboia elementary schools followed by lunch at Boston Pizza and bowling!
This information is subject to change pending further direction from Manitoba Health.
Children’s Choir Auditions will take place online through TEAMS on June 8 (4:00 - 7:30), June 10 (1:00 - 4:00 & 6:00 - 8:00) and June 11 (3:00 - 7:00).
Audition Process:
The audition procedure may be audio/video taped and will consist of the following:
* Warm up exercises (to determine range and vocal consistency throughout the range) * Singing a prepared selection of your OWN CHOICE or “O Canada” either with the piano or a capella. I want to hear your voice and see your style/energy. I am looking for quality performances with evidence of preparation. *Singing the canon “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, “Freres Jacques” or “To Stop the Train" to determine voice independence. * Melodic sing-backs (echoing)
*Once you have selected an audition time, you will receive an automated email confirming your meeting. Please keep this email and select "Join TEAMS Meeting" at your audition time-additionally, you can select "Manage Booking" to change your audition time, if needed. Please be prepared at the time of your audition, (with the TEAMS app open) but wait for me to join the TEAMS meeting. I may be delayed or in another audition and not able to join at the exact time of your audition.
Your Assignment: 1. Read the information below to learn a bit about the American composer, John Williams. In Seesaw, 2. Click on the images to bring you to different pieces composed by John Williams. You can also click HERE. 3. Tell me which was your favourite piece by John Williams in the Student Template.
Above slides are purchased from the website Teacher Pay Teacher and created by Devoted Teacher.
The information and videos below are taken from the website,Billboard. Many of these videos are the same as found on the link in the Seesaw assignment.
John Williams' 10 Best Movie Scores, Ranked
Lucasfilm Ltd./Courtesy Everett Collection
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
As Star Wars fans worldwide wish each other "May the 4th Be With You" today, Billboard is looking back on John Williams' indelible additions to the cinematic musical canon.
From fantasy franchises to WWII dramas, here are the prolific composer's 10 best movie scores, ranked. And yes, only three of them come from films not directed by Steven Spielberg.
Note: In the case of franchises, we aren't separating the films -- so when talking Star Wars, we mean Williams' work in both trilogies (but primarily the first, naturally).
10) Saving Private Ryan
One of Williams' more somber efforts, the WWII score isn't as dour as other composers might make it. Instead, Williams gives the music a sense of martial purpose, tired resignation and quiet glory.
9) Harry Potter
A mix of wonderment, surprise and danger, John Williams did the unthinkable with the Harry Potter music -- he created his sixth iconic score for a fantasy movie franchise (the other five are below).
8) Schinder's List
Best known for his awe-inspiring musical themes for fantasy franchises, Williams also excelled providing the more provincial, muted theme for the Holocaust drama Schindler's List, hitting a perfect balance between heartbreaking sentiment and restraint.
7) Superman
Combining the gee, wow spirit of comic book adventure with a majesty befitting Krypton's favorite (and only remaining) son, the Superman theme is like the terrestrial version of the Star Wars music.
6) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
While most composers would cook up something to dwell on the otherworldly quality of an alien-centric film, Williams chooses to emphasize the joy of adventure, friendship and imagination with this classic score.
5) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Alternately haunting, suspenseful and childlike, the Close Encounters of the Third Kind score also features the synthetic orchestral music an alien race uses to communicate with humans. Bold and memorable in its simplicity.
4) Indiana Jones
More rascally, rambunctious and devil-may-care than his work in Superman or Star Wars, the Indiana Jones theme maintains the splendor of Williams' franchise theme music without undermining Indy's rogue spirit.
3) Jaws
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the orchestra... Williams' nervous, suspenseful (and endlessly-parodied) Jaws theme is second only to Psycho in the world of horror movie music (which, incidentally, was scored by Bernard Herrmann, the John Williams of his era).
2) Jurassic Park
Astonishment, joy and wonder ooze out of Williams' theme song to the original Jurassic Park. And for a film about the delight and terror of a long-extinct species returning to present-day earth, what more could you ask for in a theme?
1) Star Wars
What else could take the top spot? While Superman or Indiana Jones could conceivably exist with different music, it's impossible to imagine the Star Wars universe without the Imperial March, the Mos Eisley Cantina Band jazz rag, or the romantic strings that swell when Han and Leia kiss before he's frozen in carbonite. Not to mention the epic, exciting and bombastic opening theme, which imbues the most cynical viewer with the ecstasy of childlike wonderment.