Friday, April 13, 2018

Divisional Children's Choir

Divisional Children’s Choir
Auditions for current Grade 4 and 5 students
This upcoming season, the Children’s Choir is open to students who will be in Grades 5 and 6 in the 2018-2019 school yearThe Children’s Choir is an enrichment group that performs at a high level. Membership in this choir gives children the opportunity to develop excellent choral singing skills and to meet with other talented musicians from throughout the school division.  In addition to having fun singing together, this choir also works very hard.  Since we only meet once a week and our singers are from different schools, regular attendance at all practices and performances is required.  Extra practices will not be scheduled.  
Weekly rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays from 4:15 until 5:45 p.m., beginning on Wednesday, September 5th and ending in mid-May, 2019.  The location of the practices will be Heritage School. A three-day choir camp has been planned for September 21 – September 22 at Camp Assiniboia, just west of Winnipeg.  This camp experience allows the choir to learn many of the songs for the year, get to know one another and bond as a choir. Students must be attending a school in the St. James-Assiniboia School Divisionand must also be members of their school choirs, sharing their exemplary choral skills and providing leadership in their school choral programs.  They must also be willing to commit to participation for the entire season, ending in mid-May, and make every effort to attend all performances.

If you are interested in receiving an audition time for the Divisional Children’s Choir, please contact Ms. Goertzen to set up a Crestview practice time during a Monday or Wednesday lunch hour in the music room.

The criteria that Ms. Goertzen is looking for in the auditions are:
1. Musical talent (in-tune singing,)/ Preparation
2. Expression / Voice projection
3. Following directions
4. Stage presence / Confidence
5. Excellent behaviour / Student leader
6. Parental commitment

For the practice audition with Ms. Goertzen, have your parent help you learn:
1. O Canada 
2. Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Frere Jacques or To Stop the Train. They will be required to sing this is in a canon with me during their audition. They will be marked on tuning, voice quality, projection and expression. 
3. No preparation is necessary for the rest of the audition, which involves singing and/or clapping various phrases and scales to assess pitch sense and rhythm.  
If you are selected from Crestview, parents must do the following:
1. Fill out the application form given to you by Ms. Goertzen and bring it to your audition.
2. Sign up for an audition time on line. Link is on the letter sent home.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

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