Thursday, October 18, 2018

Speaking Part Audition Pieces

Auditions are next week for any grade 3-5 students who would like a SPEAKING PART in the Winter Concert Musical, SNOW BIZ! 
Wednesday - Friday, October 24-26! 
Please sign up for an audition spot outside the Music Room. 
Students need to choose ONE audition piece to present.

Audition Piece #1
Professor Snow-It-All

Please memorize Professor Snow-It-All’s lines. Speak slowly, clearly and with expression. One of the teachers will read the Whiny Student during your audition. Good luck!

Professor Snow-It-All: (with a ridiculous European accent) Now, I am certain you are all vundering vhat is it dat makes da snow! (pause) Me too. (he catches himself) I mean, (very enthusiastically) me too! I have often vundered vat makes da snow.

Whiny Student: Well?

Professor:          Vell, what?

Whiny Student:  What makes the snow?

Professor:  I have no idea! (slight pause) Yust kidding! Yust kidding! Now listen veeeery carefully. A snowflake starts out as tree ingredients: vater vapor, ice crystals, and dust. Ice crystals form ven vater vapor freezes on a microscopic piece of dust.

Audition Piece #2

Please memorize the following lines. Speak slowly, clearly and with expression. Good luck!

Weatherman: Storm Watch here, ladies and gentlemen, and I don’t think I need to tell you that there’s been a tremendous snowstorm. I’m sure by now you have all shoveled your driveway and are out enjoying this beautiful wintry day! I hope so, because Round Two is coming in from the west and we are going to be hammered! Hammered, ladies and gentlemen, hammered!

Audition Piece #3
Snowboard Dude OR Translator

Please memorize the lines for EITHER Dude or Translator (not both). Speak slowly, clearly and with expression. One of the teachers will read the Skier and other lines during your audition. Good luck!

Dude: Yo, shredders, come on. We’re really gonna pound some pow today.

Skier: What?

Translator: Uh, he means “Hello, snowboard enthusiasts. There’s fresh snow on the mountain, perfect for snowboarding.”

Dude: My posse and I built a slick kicker in the back country and we aim to gap the pike with my plank tonight. We’ll scope the landing before we gap the bank, but with dust on the crust that phat 9 should be schwank.

Translator: He means “Hello young skiers. My friends and I have taken the opportunity to pile up a lot of snow in order to build a lovely snow ramp off the regular ski trail. We are going to try some jumps with our snowboards later on this evening.”

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