Thursday, March 26, 2020

Cumulative Songs

It is fun to sing cumulative songs. These are songs where you keep adding elements/words every time you repeat the song. The grade one and two students have learned two cumulative songs in Music this last month. 

Rattlin' Bog

Green Grass Grew All Around

Try singing this new cumulative song I Bought Me a Cat. Here are the lyrics and the video. See if you can follow the words written underneath the video after you click PLAY. The highlighted words are the ones you will have to change for each verse. Good luck!

I bought me a Cat
The Cat pleased me. 
I fed my Cat under yonder tree. 
The Cat went "Fiddle eye fee, fiddle eye fee."

                               Hen           Chipsy chopsy
                               Duck         Splishy Splashy   
                               Goose       Honk honk
                               Sheep       Baa baa
                               Cow          Moo moo
                               Horse       Nay nay

There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea is another fun one. Try it!

Some other cumulative songs you might want to search for on YouTube are: There Was an Old Lady, An Austrian Went Yodeling and Open the Drawbridge.

First and Second Endings

Hello Grade 3, 4 and 5 students,

Please watch the following videos on how to use first and second endings when you are reading music. These videos will prepare you for the song Jolly Old St. Nicholas. Please look at your music booklet if you need to see a clearer version of the song.

Video #1

Video #2

Return to Seesaw and send me a message that you watched this video. If you have any questions about how First and Second Endings work, please feel free to ask and I will make sure I reply back.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Why We Learn to Play the Recorder

Here are some videos on why we learn to play the recorder at school and why it is amazing. Let me know what you learned. Enjoy!

Why We Learn to Play the Recorder

10 Reasons Why the Recorder is AWESOME!!

Recorder Mute

At the bottom of your Music information letter (that went home with your At Home Learning Packages from school), there were images of Recorder Mutes. There are six that you can cut out. If your space is tight at home and it is difficult to find a space to play because the recorder is distracting to others, please consider using the Recorder Mute for some of the practice time. Please see photo on how this should look on your recorder.

1. Cut out mute on solid line.

2. Insert the slip of paper into the mouthpiece hole up until the dotted line.

3. Tape the mute in place or use an elastic band. Keep in mind that if you use an elastic band, you will be able to reuse the mute.

4. Happy playing. Remember, it will not sound great to you but it will be good enough so that you can keep practicing your notes and fingering.

Online Learning Grade 3 - 5

March 2020 

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

I am pleased to let you know that your child can continue to learn about, develop skills and make music while at home these next few weeks. As part of your child’s daily routine, I'd like to encourage the students to engage in at least 10-15 minutes of recorder practice each day. I would also encourage the students to take this time to watch and/or read the postings on See Saw and the Music BlogThe Crestview Music RoomClick the Music tab in your Seesaw account to view music activities, announcements and assignments. If Music is not showing up, please email me!  
We expect that the students are learning and advancing in skills and knowledge during this time.  

I am sending home a package of music with your child’s recorder. Please have your child wash it in hot, soapy water, take it apart, use a bottle cleaner for the inside and then air dry. When school resumes, please make sure it is washed again and returned on our first day back. They will need them again. 

The package of music being sent home is part of the Recorder Hero program, with each song advancing to a new level. The students must work through the songs in order. (If the student is burning through the songs, please feel free to contact me and we can figure out how to get you more songs.Please see the recorder rubric in the package as to how the students are being evaluated on each song. In order to pass to the next level, the students must score 15 or higher out of 20 on the rubric. If they do not meet the recommended scoring, they will have to keep practicing and retake that level. Recorder Hero songs can be listened to on the Music Blog and/or SeesawThe students will use Seesaw to record their playing of their song. I will communicate with the student whether or not they need more practice or can move on to the next level.  

If the noise of the recorder is an issue, please cut out and attach the MUTE to the recorder. The Music Blog will have instructions on how to do this. Please allow your child to practice without the mute as well. Please note, the recorder should be played with a very gentle, feather-like blowing. 
Thank you for helping your child during this unprecedented time. Music is a place to soothe the soul and gives us room for creativity and joy. Learning an instrument and reading music is good for our brains, fine motor skills and teaches us perseverance, confidence and communication. 

Please contact me through email at any time. All the best! 

Ms. Goertzen 

K-5 Crestview Music Teacher 
SeeSawClick Music tab in your Seesaw account 

Online Music Learning for Kindergarten, Grade 1 & Grade 2

March 2020 

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

I am pleased to let you know that your child can continue to learn about, develop skills and make music while at home these next few weeks. As part of your child’s learning routine, I would like to encourage students to engage in 10-15 minutes of Music a day. Please take the time to watch or do the music activities and lessons posted on Seesaw. Click the Music tab in your account to view (If Music is not showing up, please email me!). I may also be posting items on my Music Blog, The Crestview Music RoomI have also provided a Music Challenge Activity sheet to give you other ideas on how to engage in Music dailyIt is expected that students are learning and advancing in skills and knowledge during this time.   
Thank you for helping your child during this unprecedented time. Music is a place to soothe the soul and gives us room for creativity and joy. Music also stimulates brain development, relieves stress and integrates other subjects. So, keep calm and keep making music! 

Please contact me through email at any time. All the best! 

Ms. Goertzen 

K-5 Crestview Music Teacher 
SeeSawClick Music tab in your Seesaw account